Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I am not an editor...

David Heiller and Cindy with Riley, Rosie and MacKenzie in Brownsville Minnesota, 2006.

~*~I am not the editor of a newspaper and shall always try to do right and be good so that God will not make me one. ~*~ Mark Twain

I had this quote on the wall near my desk at the newspaper. And I mean it... I am not a writer, and do not wish to be one. I was married to a wonderful writer, and here I would like to share some of my favorite of his weekly columns.

David liked the fact that the newspaper was not permanent. It could be read, and five minutes later  be used to wrap fish guts, or be laid out as the first layer of mulch in the garden. You can't take yourself too seriously if people wrap fish guts with your writing.

Please add your thoughts and comments and remembrances, I will very much appreciate it. David loved the give and take of a weekly newspaper.


  1. It's really good for washing windows too.

  2. put a small piece in the bottom of a pot before adding your dirt...
